Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Beast Continues To Develop It's Muscle - And Sadly, These Folks Don't Even Know They're Supporting His Beastly Exercise

Associated Press Photo - The Rev. Larry Hollon, chief communications executive of the United Methodist Church, displays a large version of a print ad that is part of the denomination's $20 million marketing campaign aimed at attracting younger members.

The Poster reads, "What If Church Could Shape World Events?"
... Now, I'm sure these Methodists mean well. The article states, in part:
The United Methodist Church has just under 8 million members in the U.S., with about 3.5 million additional adherents overseas. The median age for a United Methodist is 57, according to the Rev. Larry Hollon, the denomination's chief communications executive.

The new ads highlight the opportunities for involvement within Methodist churches - from helping feed the poor to volunteering with youth basketball leagues in low-income neighborhoods, reflecting research that found that young people are especially interested in service projects.
"We need to refocus on young people and provide them an opportunity to be a part of the church," Mr. Hollon said. "What we're hearing is, they say, 'Belief connects to how I live my daily life.' If I say, 'I value people because I'm a religious person,' then I have to demonstrate that in concrete ways. It's walking the walk, not just talking the talk."
... However, Christians "shape" the world by being Christian (like Christ). "Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Christianity does the work of the Father by self-development through the Holy Spirit thereby being an example for others.
One day, some day; the Beast will directly begin to shape the world and Protestant sects along with their Catholic cohorts will gladly merge to form one "beastly" incarnation!
The Observer

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