Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Garner - Washington Times


Lady Hawk said...

Dear Mr. Tiger,
I am a bit under the weather but wanted you to know I read your BLOGS and agree 100%. Poor America! Betrayed and destroyed by her leaders!
Anne Coulter shocked me!
I will either not vote or vote against hellery.

Tiger said...

The Colds and Flu’s have been bad this winter, Lady. Must be the global warming! Ha!

More likely it's the additional germs from illegal aliens. I hear TB and other problems are on the rise again here.

Yes, I agree, our leaders are bad - really bad. I have an old 80/20 rule I talk about sometimes that I used to apply to the American people (only 20% know what's going on ). Now, I apply it to our leaders, although it's probably more like 90/10. 10% of our leaders are the ones in charge and following a construct of "WORLD TOGETHERNESS" that will come to no good. The rest of the leaders are simply lining their pockets and don't give a damn.

BTW, Ann is simply being purposefully shocking, IMO. She'll end voting for John McAmensty like the rest of us. Of course, it ain't over quite yet! : )

Either way, the Republican Party is done for. It can’t recover from this. Even if it does, it will be a shadow of what it was, that’s all. It will always remain a whipping boy for the Dems.

It’s time we start a new Party – but! – Remember, our leaders don’t care, and that’s the entire problem.