Friday, November 09, 2007

The Attacks On Christianity Continue - From the Bush Administration!

Feds ban grandma's angel ornament on Christmas tree

HUD orders residents to avoid Jesus in decorations

Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development officials have announced a ban on any decorations in HUD housing complexes that mention Jesus or represent religion for the Christmas season, and the American Family Association has responded with a petition drive to overturn the decision.

The AFA has set up a link to allow constituents to send e-mails to the HUD secretary or President Bush expressing their objections to the policy.

The issue arose at the Plant City Living Center in Plant City, Fla., where 85-year-old Mrs. Arnold was told that federal law now prohibits her from displaying anything that references religion – words, decorations and the like – in the common area of her apartment building, a HUD facility.

The grandmother told AFA she was instructed that even an angel decoration would be disallowed by the ban, which makes her think of the restrictions in Germany during World War II.

According to the center, HUD has issued a directive banning "any religious symbols or religious words associated with Christmas," which effectively prevents Mrs. Arnold from placing a small Christmas tree outside her door if it contains any religious symbols or words – "even an angel,"
AFA said in a special alert asking for e-mails.

A spokeswoman at the center who preferred not to give her name told WND the rules now prevent displays "like a manger, like a Christ child, any religious symbols."


Lady Hawk said...

Dear Mr. Tiger,
There are days when I read a news aritcle and think 'I hope Observanda addresses this".
Today was one of those days for that you had the articles that most angered me.
Horowitz at the university illustrates whywe are losing high school student as excrement flows downhill. (Sorry, I have had a water glass worth of wine) The granny and others who cannot have Christmas decorations makes me want to organized 24/7 armed guard to protect those old people's Christmas decorations. My sweet Lord where is America? China is banning the Bible at the Olympics?
I am in borderline rage at these events! Thank you for posting them to validate that there is a reason for my righteous anger.

Tiger said...

Lady, I've noticed for many years now, there are events and happenings that catch the attention of certain types of people. Your type is drawn towards what I call the under-pinning foundations of our society, the moral compass of America.

Others could care less about such events and love to discuss the detailed intricacies of diplomacy and political intrigue. Paying attention to the “moral compass” for them is a departure from reality – a waste of time. They fail to understand it’s the glue that holds us together.

I'm with you, Lady. When the foundations crumble we may continue as a country and society based on nothing but money and greed but it will not be a place you want to live! And, it WILL NOT BE FREE!

I didn't make this up - just read the writings of the Founders.

Tiger said...

What we're observing nowadays, Lady - is, MARXISM IN ACTION!

And it's coming from the RIGHT and the LEFT!