Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Amero - North American Currency

Hmmmm... everyone seems to know about this except the President and FOXNEWS!


Teresita said...

So they propose to replace one fiat currency with another fiat currency? Yawn. Wake me up when paper backed by real gold and silver is the money again. Going to the Federal Reserve system was the big step, everything else is just trimming.

Tiger said...

Good point! We went wrong years ago, didn't we?

Teresita said...

The rational objections are many. Although the US and Canadians are currently at parity, going to an Amero will effectively hitch our economies together forever. And since the Canadian government has a bigger footprint on their tax-base, the Amero will be a subtle way to transfer the costs of a more socialized economy to a less-socialized one. And of course the basket-case known as Mexico will drag the average wages of both of the other members down until all three meet in the middle, somewhere near where the US was in 1934, which suits manufacturers fine. Another objection is that there are benefits that accrue to the United States simply by having the dollar accepted as legal tender throughout the world. In the Philippines, you can pay your doctor with Philippine pesos or US dollars, but not in rupees or dinars. This results in a certain level of constant demand for the dollar, helping to prop its value up. If we go to an Amero (and assuming the Amero is accepted throughout the world as the dollar is today), these benefits will be shared among three nations instead of one.

The evangelical Christian objection is based on a prophesy given in Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.. These Christians interpret this passage to mean there will be a Satanic world-wide economic system where no one can exchange commodities, even labor, without opting into it, which automatically opts your out of the second life. Presumably the evolution of national currencies into a handful of regional ones (the Euro, the Amero, and maybe the Afro) is just an intermediate step towards one single global "Federation credit" like on Star Trek.

The Roman Catholic Christian believes the book of the Apocalypse was written specifically for that time and place: persecuted Christians struggling in the First Century pagan Roman Empire. Thus the mark of the beast refers to a seal of approval from the Imperial system which flows from a public display of emperor-worship. To them, the advent of the Amero is of passing note, because of God's sovereignty over human history and their trust in Him.

Tiger said...

Ahhh, "T"! - Could you and I have a conversation! : )

As you probably know already, I'm a Protestant. My Catholic wife of 27 years and I have many interesting discussions; all done in the spirit of love, I might add!

Forgive the history lesson but I have to set this up. 'Revelation', as you know, can be seen in 3 classic ways; Futurism, Historiscism, and Preterism. First let me say; the "Body of Christ" is seen by me as the entire body of believers, not just 'A' church. The early 'church' always declared the Historiscist's view up until the Reformation. As the printing press became more used more Bibles came into the hands of average people. Eventually, Martin Luther did his 95 Thesis bit and described the anti-Christ spirit(s) and the 11th small horn out of the 10 of Europe (Daniel; then repeated in Revelation) to be the Papacy. This is why millions upon millions of people left the Roman Catholic Church.

- Please keep in mind T, I'm not referring to individuals here, or even a specific Pope, but an organization.

The Futurist and Preterist views we're both promoted by the Catholic Church, Jesuits to be exact - I have their names somewhere. So, until the Refomation these views were not taught and were not a part of Canon.

So, I agree with you in this sense. The concern of most "Evangelists" over the "mark" is misunderstood. The "marks" have been going on throughout history. Revelation does speak of a final "anti-Christ"; the Beast" and a final declaration as mentioned by you.