Friday, April 06, 2007

Speaking Of Stem Cells - White House Needs To Grow Brain

The White House yesterday signaled support for legislation that provides federal funding for stem-cell research using embryonic cells that have no chance of surviving.

The legislation, authored by Sen. Johnny Isakson, Georgia Republican, seeks a middle ground in the highly charged debate over stem-cell research. His bill skirts moral concerns over using embryonic stem cells while ensuring federal funding for the breakthrough science.

Mr. Isakson's bill would allow scientists to conduct research on embryos they determine are incapable of surviving in the womb but whose stem cells are still viable for research. The bill would also allow funding for research on stem cells from embryos that have died during fertility treatments.

"This legislation threads the ethical needle," Mr. Isakson said yesterday. "I'm very optimistic it will be looked on favorably, especially with the White House's endorsement."

... it's all about appearances, isn't it Mr. Bush? No conviction whatsoever!


Tiger said...

As humans, Lady, we can only express our opinions and concerns, help when possible, make peace when appropriate, and, of course, make war when neccessary; and especially on this weekend, remember to forgive.

We don't know the mind of GOD or HIS ways.

It does seem, though, that evil is "making a good run" right now.

All part of the PLAN, perhaps?

Tiger said...

Oh! And thanks for dropping by so often, Lady.