Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another Success For ADULT Stem Cells

A week before the U.S. Senate again grapples with the explosive issue of embryonic stem cell research, one of the most stunning reported advances in bio-technology in years comes from stem cells not harvested from human embryos but derived from a non-controversial source.

British researchers have for the first time grown part of a human heart, using "adult" stem cells derived from bone marrow, British media reported this week.

If trials in animals such as pigs and sheep prove successful later this year, the London-based team led by professor Sir Magdi Yacoub said such replacement tissue could be used in transplants for heart disease patients within three years.


Deuce ☂ said...

To me it is simple. The first decision is do you believe in a purpose to life? If you get a negative there, your only hope to still have a good life is to either find or make a purpose. That still puts you on the path towards goodness.

Goodness, no matter how you get there, through revelation or your own construction is still goodness. Goodness for goodness sake has its own rewards.

I believe in God and that God demands of all of us, goodness. Goodness demands construction of good and destruction of evil. Man has a choice, a free will. If you believe in God, and you believe that you are part of God's creation, then you believe God blessed you with tools and challenges.

Use the tools and meet the challenges in the pursuit of goodness and you will have a happy life.

What does that mean for stem cell research?

In the Judeo-Christian traditions, the parents of the human race were Adam and Eve. Genesis gives two versions of the creation. In the first, God creates "male and female in his own image" on the sixth day.

In the second, Adam is placed in the Garden of Eden, and Eve is later created from the rib to Adam.

I look at stem cell research on embryos as being akin to the moment of creation of life, the first explanation from genesis.

I see the adult cell route as being the use of Adam's rib to create Eve.

Two ways to create and extend the gift of life. Both from the same creator. I have no opinion as to which way is better. I do believe that both, if they come from goodness, and create goodness, would receive God's blessing.

Tiger said...

Deuce, your biblical allegory to "conception" stem cells and "host" stem cells is a good way to look at it, I would say.

What has happened with this subject is similar to what's happening to global warming and the eco-nuts argument. No sensible person, conservative or liberal wants to pollute the earth. Libs don't believe that, but it's true. Obviously, some manufacturing facilities burn polluting substances as A NECESSARY part of their process. We drive cars and breath out carbon dioxide. The Libs take these facts and attempt to make them a cause for bringing down economies, nations, and the destruction of all mankind.

Libs do the same with embryos. Most people appreciate life and think it's precious and important. Life begins at conception. To deny this is absurd, as Lady Hawk might say, but Embryonic Stem cell research has become a “cause celeb” for Libs because it supports their ideas about abortion.

From a pragmatic point of view the Adult stem cell research is having much more success. Almost no success has been attained from embryonic stem cells. I say we go with Adult Stem Cells and throw out the illogical silliness of the Liberal argument!