Friday, October 06, 2006

Get 'Em Out of Office - No Matter the Party

- do you want Gays and Lesbians teaching at your local schools?

- do you want Gays and Lesbians preaching at your local church?

- do you want Gays and Lesbians as your local police, sheriff, or running the ATF and FBI?

- do you want Gays and Lesbians running your child's daycare?

... then why do you want them as your political leaders? Think I'm being bigoted here? Or, are you sick of a depraved society, like I am? This kind of behavior, from the dawn of time, used to be considered a mental aberration, until political correctness reared its ugly head. It all boils down to taking action, locally and nationally. Whether they be Repugs or Demonrats, KICK 'EM OUT!

"The party’s problem today is not its basic principles, its grass-roots supporters or the energetic and committed conservatives who populate its congressional back benches—and who have often, even from there, pushed the national agenda in the right direction. The party’s problem is its leadership."

It's LACK OF LEADERSHIP, that's part of it - and lack of action from all of us. This Foley/Hastert problem is also very much about lack of values. If you're not a mindless slave, then work to limit the influence of ALL who don't share your values, regardless of political affiliation.


Tiger said...

Thank you Lady Hawk. We need more people involved in "fighting the fight".

Doug said...

Hey, Some Lesbos CALL themselves Conservatives:
Terrorita told the Elephant Bar Patrons:
"Republicans now create secret no-fly lists (which include Senator Kennedy) and hold people without trial in hidden military compounds and say it's legal to torture them."

Tiger said...

So ...

What's your point , Doug? Is being a Lesbian OK with you? Or, are you saying that having an opinion concerning moral behavior is wrong?

What's your point?