Saturday, September 02, 2006

"No Better Friend - No Worse Enemy"

Well, Well, Well. They say if you turn over the rocks, you'll find the snakes....or something like that.

We've known for a few days now that Richard Armitage, Colin Powell's number three man (or number 2A depending on how the org chart looks) in a moment of indescretion, identified Joe Wilson's wife as Valerie Plame and further revealed that she worked for the CIA.

The implications of this are not good for Colin Powell and Company. That's too bad because at one time, he seemed like such a nice guy. Tsk, tsk. "Seemed" is the operative word; Perhaps he really wasn't or he may have been before the State Department seduced him. Somehow, I think he had us fooled all along.

Powell and Company have kept quiet about the Valerie Plame leak for two years now, letting the Bush Administration twist in the wind of public opinion. I'm not surprised because as I said back in November 2005, you're known by the company you keep. To see what kind of company Mr. Powell keeps go here for a 2004 article and as I pointed to originally in November 2005, here are some more looks at the not so good Soldiers of the Bush Administration. Here was a particulary revealing look at the character of Powells "long time aide and hatchet man, Larry Wilkerson." Powell and Company could have put an end to this Plame foolishness two years ago, but for whatever reason, they chose not to. They chose to let the Democrat propagandists do their dirty work on George Bush, Dick Cheney and Company. Apparently, there was some "real bad blood" there and someday maybe we'll get to read the "inside story."

Perhaps the old Army man (Powell) adopted the Marine Corp's saying, "No better friend, no worse enemy."

1 comment:

Tiger said...

What a fiasco this whole thing is! The State Department seems to ruin everyone, Condi Rice included.

Hannity and Rush have done a good job pointing out how the ridiculous Washington Post is now blaming Joe Wilson after supporting his lies for so long previously.

Our institutions, political and otherwise are becoming nothing but hollow shells of putrid idiocy.