Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Third Way

Academia, Liberals, and, yes, Islam all wrapped up in the same smelly slime ...

... be forwarned, these readings are for ADULTS ONLY... it's part of the plan for your future ...

... possible future? ...

... basically; government control of everything, ethnic diversity, privledges for none, except for the Elite, of course

... shari'ah law ...

"His paper discusses how the seven fundamental principles of maqasid al shari'ah offer a "paradigm- for a spiritual renaissance in all faiths that can transform the world."

"We have shown in previous articles that this Third Way between communism and capitalism is but old fascism in new clothes, revived."

... a good reference site


Anonymous said...

From the "third way" link:
"On questions of values, it embraces "tolerant traditionalism," honoring traditional moral and family values while resisting attempts to impose them on others."

What about the ongoing agenda to inflict non-traditional immoral values on others?"

Anonymous said...

Good Post, Tiger: I got a quick primer on the Third Way. I feel more informed.

Essentially, I gathered that this is an ecumenical bunch of New Agers and reformed Commies trying to reinvent themselves.

I trust them like I would trust Hitler or Stalin or the Snake in the Garden. "Go ahead take a bite..."