Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Tenets of Islam - continued

OK, Tiger!

I've read this thing - it appears that you should hear about a FATWAH in your name pretty darn soon. So, nobody can actually be a good Muslim - right?

This is exactly the point where Christianity comes into play whilst other religions don't!

I find it amusing that hollywood has begun to make movies about my boyhood heroes. I devoured science fiction, fantasy, and warfare histories from early elementary school 'til this very day. Heinlein, Tolkien, Asimov, and C.S. Lewis were my passion early on. The movies almost never do justice, especially that crap film version of Starship Troopers. If you've never read Heinlein's novella you've missed everything. The movie is garbage, pure garbage; and the book is one of the most wonderful tales you'll ever read.

Now, back to Islam ...

In C.S. Lewis' masterpiece, The Chronicles of Narnia (Book 7 - The Last Battle), the character Emeth, worships the "anti-Aslan", Tash. If you're not familiar with the story, the great Lion Aslan is a metaphor for GOD (Christ) and Tash is the anti-Christ figure. Emeth is a sworn enemy of Narnia. Yet, at the end of that last great battle, Emeth is invited to go through the "door" into "heaven". He tells Aslan, "Alas, Lord, I am no son of Thine, but a servant of Tash." Aslan answers, "Child, all the service thou hast done to Tash, I account as service done to me."

Now we see the greatness of Christianity! One is judged by what's in ones heart. "Allah" is like Tash, and today's reality doesn't mean that all Muslims are bad. Can we argue about Islam? Sure we can. But GOD is the final judge, NOT US!


Mary said...

In the final analysis, it's what's in our hearts, not how we label ourselves.

People can find a reason to bash something about anything. Religions aren't exempt from that.

Are there disturbing teachings in Islam? Yes, I think so.

I also realize that people may object to aspects of my religion.

For all our differences, good people, regardless of their religious affiliation, share the same qualities, like concern for others.

On the flip side, bad people, whether they call themselves Muslims or Christians or whatever, are a negative force.

It's not the belief system that matters as much as the goodness within the soul of the believer.

Tiger said...

I disagree with you, Mary, on two points.

1. It IS the belief system that matters, although, as in the "Narnia" example, one can rise above the system. Nobody's making up this "stuff" about Islam. Islam is what it is. It actually IS a system that promotes destruction. When Christianity has "gone wrong" in history, it's done so because of bad men, not the "System".

2. Sometimes people see "political incorrectness" as being negative, or bigoted, or, as Liberals say, mean-spirited. President Bush is disturbed that the American people might be prejudiced against Arabs (the "Ports" issue). You know what true negativity is? ... being so PC that you don't warn your own people of the danger, that you love the money coming in better than you do your own nations security.