Saturday, December 03, 2005

Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

The first sentence of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights reads "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Over the years, the courts and secularists have peverted these words to mean a separation of church and state. The primary justification for this has been a letter written by Thomas Jefferson referring to a "wall" which had been established by the constitution.

Since the 1920's, The American Civil Liberties Union (founded by a Communist) has been in the forefront of the movement to move America away from its traditional Christian foundation into a secular society which believes that "freedom of religion" means "freedom from religion." Over time, the ACLU along with other secularists and atheists have allied with sympathetic judges and Supreme Court justices to advance their nefarious agenda and convince the public that invoking the name of Jesus Christ in a public prayer constitutes an endorsement of Religion. Subsequently, public prayers are avoided altogether. Europeans and secularists in the US are aghast and fearful of the overt Chrisitanity displayed by George W. Bush. Christians are increasingly seen as 'cultists' seeking to impose a restrictive morality on the whole public. The cultural war on Chrisitanity has been joined by scientists who are fully engaged against the idea of a "Creator." Government and Businesses are bowing to secular pressures and "Christmas" is being replaced with "Holidays." But it has not always been this way.

It is abundantly evident in the historical record that America is the only country in world history to be settled by a Christian people for the express purpose of worshipping God. With the exception of a couple of deists, the founding fathers were Christian; not Buddist, not Mohammedan, not Hindu, not secularists, and not atheists. While maybe not as devout or pious as their pilgrim ancestors, their worldview was founded on the Judeo-Christian principles of the Holy Bible. This was the worldview that crafted our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is clear that the founding fathers and the first Congresses of the United States had no problem with the Bible. In fact, recognizing that education was essential to the welfare and prosperity of the country, Congress authorized the printing of Bibles to be used as "readers" by America's shool children.

The First Amendment was written to ensure that men were free to worship the Creator as they saw fit. It was to prohibit a national religion such as the Church of England or the Catholic Church. Although the de facto national religion was Chrisitianity, no attempt has ever been made to create a theocracy, which so many on the left fear and constantly warn against. Sadly, because of intimidation by the ACLU and others such as the Americans United for the Separtion of Church and State, these contexts of history are not presented in public education. Each passing generation of historically ignorant and unchurched children make it easier to draw a nation away from the founding fathers' God of the Bible. Liberal ideologies of political correctness and cultural diversity cloak the true battle for the soul of a nation.

It is imperative for the survival of our nation, that the pendulum swing away from secular liberalism's 20th century assault on western civilization. Unless the courts are brought back to a recognition of the Judeo-Christian values and traditions which underpin the world's oldest democracy, subversive and sinister forces will pervert American society beyond all recognition.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

Ame! Brother! Well said!