Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Socialist Charades, Potemkin Cites, and No-Go Zones

For years we have been pointed to the European model for how a caring, progressive, secular society treats its citizens. The socialist models of health care, housing, and public transportation have been extolled as examples for America to emulate and aspire to. Progressives have marched into a 21st century global village waving the banners of multi-culturalism and diversity. This was the way into a peaceful, prosperous new world order where poverty is eliminated, all needs are provided for by the state and all was fantastique! until a curious event occurred in November 2005. That is the date history will record as the "French Intifada" unless the uprising becomes more widespread, in which case it will be called the "European Intifada."

This Intifada has pulled back the curtain on their potemkin villages where their former North African colonials have been ensconced in “cites” (otherwise known as ghettos or projects) like animals in well-tended zoos. Apparently, the Euros have been living in a la-la dreamland, socialist utopia. Thousands of burning cars, trash cans, and buildings have illuminated Europe and we see that the cites in many cases are criminally controlled “no-go zones” where local law-enforcement and emergency services personnel have all but given up trying to maintain civil authority. Like France, civil authority has been also been challenged in Malmo, Sweden which has its own “no-go zone.”

But now is not the time to delight in the misery of others or to be deceived by a socialist or progressive charade.

Secular Muslim youth, spoiled by socialism, are beginning to reject the economically stagnant, post-modern European cultures in which they reside as unseen, un-employed, second-class citizens. We are beginning to understand the genesis for calls of Sharia in decadent western societies where governments have abdicated their responsibility for maintaining social structure. Who can blame the Imams and devout parents, appalled at the corruption of their youth, for trying to bring some sense of order and discipline where government has refused to do so? But a secular western society cannot allow Sharia to substitute for its own law. To do so is to encourage a more virulent strain of Islam to flourish and bend a moderate Islam to its fundamentalist will.

We have been warned. For years now, this social dynamic has been reported but ignored. Predictions of the dire consequences have fallen on deaf ears. Due to political correctness, or benign neglect, or indifference or arrogance, the problems were imported, allowed to smolder and are now erupting into a firestorm. French hubris and a penchant for appeasement may have led France into its own boiling pot. Perhaps too late, Chirac has declared that law and order must prevail. The French and European dilemma is how to reclaim control without further alienating the Muslim youth. This must be done quickly and Islamo-fascists must be prevented from radicalizing these young men if that hasn’t been done already.

We can no longer afford to abide by the politically correct ideas of “no-go” diversity. We now know that "no-go" means “no know” and in war you must know your enemy. That is not to say all Muslims are the enemy but we must know what is being preached in the Mosques and what is being said at the Ramadan dinners. Political correctness and progressive sensibilities be damned.

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