Sunday, October 09, 2005

global tragedies, can we help?

As I reflect upon the tragedy that has hit so close to home in New Orleans, I am now confronted with what appears to be an even larger tragedy, by epic proportions, caused by the Asian earthquake that has killed tens of thousands. What could have been done to prevent such human suffering, what did we do wrong? We must always ask this question as it is perhaps the essential question of measuring our humanity. I believe the United States, as the greatest nation on our planet, has an obligation to prevent tragedy wherever it may occur globally. Perhaps if the Bush (Scrooge?) administration were not so miserly in doling out foreign aid, Third World nations could invest more in their infrastructures to prevent such tragedies as the Asian earthquake from causing such devastating effects. I for one would consider it a minor burden to have my taxes increased such that the great United States could be more generous in its foreign aid for we are so blessed to live in such a great country where we all live so luxuriously.


Anonymous said...

You wrote: "I believe the United States, as the greatest nation on our planet, has an obligation to prevent tragedy wherever it may occur globally."

Have you lost your mind? How can we prevent global tragedy? We can't even keep the corrupt pols in LA from siphoning off the money.

You wouldn't mind a tax increase for more foreign aid???? What have you been drinking?

Anonymous said...

I've going to ask my friend Chow Lee to straighten you out. He's part Korean and believe you me, that don't put up with this kind of bleeding heart crap.